OMIM - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man GENATLAS
- Human genes atlas GeneClinics
- Medical genetics knowledge base GDB
- Genome Data Base GeneCards
- Database integrating information on human genes TIGR
HGI - TIGR Human Gene Index Hs
UniGene - Human transcripts in GenBank (EST clusters) STACK
- Sequence Tag Alignment and Consensus Knowledgebase (Db of
consensus human ESTs) GenLink
- Human genetics resource
GENOTK - Human cDNA database CGAP
- Cancer Genome Anatomy Program HMGD
- Human Gene Mutation database dbSNP
- Human single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) database UDB
- Unified db for Human genome mapping
Drosophila SWISS-PROT list - Links to Drosophila SWISS-PROT
entries FlyBase
- Drosophila genetic and molecular database FlyView
- Drosophila image database GIFTS
- Gene Interactions in the Fly Trans-World Server FlyNets
- database of molecular interactions in Drosophila melanogaster SOS-DGBD
- database of Drosophila DNA sequences annotated with regulatory
binding sites Mosquito
>> Saccharomyces cerevisiae SGD
- Saccharomyces Genome Database YPD
- Yeast Protein Database MitBASE-Pilot
- Database of S.cerevisiae nuclear genes involved in mitochondrial
biogenesis Yeast
snoRNA - Yeast small nucleolar RNAs database YTPdb
- Yeast Transport Protein database
>> S. Pombe S.pombe
NIH - Fission yeast (S.pombe) server at the NIH
>> Candida albicans Candida
albicans - Candida albicans server at the Univ. of Minnesota
Fungos Aspergillus
web site NGP
- Neurospora genome project Phycomyces
Web site - Resource site for scientists working on Phycomyces FGSC
- Fungal Genetics Stock Center FGR
- Fungal Genome Resource
All the virology on the WWW - links to virology WWW servers
by David M. Sander ICTVdB
- Universal virus taxonomy database AVIS
- Animal Virus Information System Plants
Viruses Online - Information on plant viruses HIV
- HIV and related species database HPV
- HPV (papillomaviruses) database Influenza
sequence database Picornavirus
- Picornavirus home page and access to database GOLD
- Genomes On-line database DOGS
- Database of genome sizes